Monday, October 20, 2008

I guess...

I'm starting to get a cold. Again. I caugh, I sneeze, I look miserable... Oh, well... It's that time a year. I guess complaining won't do nothing.

Yesterday after my family left I was really sad. Or not sad, low. I hate when they go. It's so seldom we get time like that together. But I guess that's just part of growing up.

Today I'm gonna have lunch with a friend of mine I haven't spent time with for a while. I'm really looking forward to that. We work in periods, one would say, with our friendship. But it's great at the same time, cause we always know where we have each other. And we always know that we love each other. So, I guess, that's the best way.

I miss my Linnéa. It's starting to be hard now that she's always away. Was this how she felt when I was doing my worldtour? Of so, poor her. Cause this sucks! The thing I hate the most is that I can't call her whenever I feel like it. Either it's a moneyissue or a timeissue. Bha! It annoys me! But I guess that's the way it's gonna be for now.

I have a lot of people interested in renting my appartement. Should I do it? I will save a lot of money doing so, but do I have the strenght to pack all my shit again? Well, at least not the funitures, but the rest... Is it worth it? I guess I have to think about that.

Still in love. Worse for everyday. That's a good thing. What a surprise this was. Never in my wildest dreams I would have guess that we would fall in love with each other. But now we did. Hard. And noone of us planned it or took the first step. It just kinda happened. I guess that's a good thing too.

I'm listening to Tracy Chapman a lot. Like my houseGod for the week I think. And tonight a guy from New Zealand is gonna come and stay some nights. That'll be fun. Or at least I hope so... But kiwis are rarely boring... Ha ha...

12 days...

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