Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Can I throw it out the window?

I want a black blog. Either I'm stupid or the others. I can't get it to work. WTF!!! It can't be that hard. Well, apperently, I guess I'm a morron. Oh, well, I could be worse things.

I'm starting to think I'm having a relationship with my computer. It's almost as if I have to kiss it goodnight. Would that make me strange? Stranger? For nine hours today I've been sitting e-mailing schools and getting them into a selfmade and damn smart database. It's just as fun as it sounds. Thank God it's for a good cause. It's a shame it doesn't spell M O N E Y. My computer hates me. I'm sure of that now.

I really need money. Deeniiiirrrrrrrros... Anna suggested I should sell my body. I'll wait til the summer, then it's worth more. I'm broke, in pain and angry. Great day.

Well, what else? I need to take my frustration out. I hate being frustraded. It doesn't fit me. Arrggghhh....

No, gym it is...

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